Thursday, February 16, 2012

Upcoming Development Plan for JStock

Recently, JStock project receives quite a number of constructive suggestions from users. We would like draft out upcoming development plan for JStock.

  • Better visibility for chart trend line color. I understand it is quite a bad taste, to choose yellow color for trend line and white color for background. We shall fix the used color for trend line.
  • Enhancement over Stock Indicator Editor. The basic functionality of indicator editor is there. However, it is still not easy to build certain common used indicators, using current available tools. This requires enhancements too.
  • This is our favorite. We shall start to support Android platform.
Please bear with us as all these works take time. If you would like to support all these works, do consider code contribution, or some monetary donations.

1 comment:

Peter Kane said...

Hi, That's good to hear. I'm still interested in donating code - hopefully will get more spare time soon.

Also can we consider fundamental indicators? Maybe allow users to enter data into their local database.
It's difficult to get free information about this, without screen-scraping which for a product like jstock is probably not allowable.

I'd also like to improve the handling of Australian dividends - I'll work on that as well.
