Thursday, May 29, 2014

Launch chart and news info from portfolio page directly

Previously, if we were in portfolio page, in order to launch chart and news info page, we need to switch back to watchlist page. In upcoming release, we are going to add an info button in detailed buy/sell info page. 

With such newly added button, you may launch chart and news info page, without having to leave portfolio page.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New notification UI for JStock Android's background alert feature

For users who have access to "background alert" feature, we had fine tuned notification UI. We had implemented multi-line notification. On the left hand side, it will be the new upcoming UI. The right hand side is current old UI.

This feature will be available in next few days. Stay tune

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

JStock is using highly secure oAuth 2.0 for Google Drive (Cloud feature) and Google Calendar (SMS alert feature)

Google is slowly depreciated non oAuth 2.0 authentication. To adapt such changes, we make JStock to use highly secure oAuth 2.0 for Google Drive (Cloud feature) and Google Calendar (SMS alert feature).

Kindly let us know, if you encounter any problem with these new features.
