Sunday, March 07, 2010

JStock Helps You to Buy Low Sell High

JStock 1.0.5i is ready to be downloaded. This times, we make a few improvement.

In order for me to Buy Low Sell High, inspecting the lowest price and the highest price within N periods is what I do usually. When the stock price nears 1 year highest, perhaps it is the best time to sell. Or, when the stock price nears 1 year lowest, perhaps it is the best time to sell. Current improved charting feature enables me to do so in an easy way.

Sometimes, user has his very own preference email other than GMail.

Hence, we let user to choose ANY email address to receive stock alert message. User still required to provide his own GMail account information, as GMail SMTP (a server used for sending emails) is the only stable server we know so far.

Feel free to grab a copy of this software from

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